QTS will be available to Jamaican and South African Teachers

The UK Department for Education now offers QTS to teachers from South Africa, Jamaica, and more from February 2023. Apply now to teach in England this September!

We are delighted to share the news that the Department for Education in England are finally opening up Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to more countries, including South Africa and Jamaica.

The long over-due announcement was made earlier this year. Meaning that from the 1st of February 2023 Teachers from South Africa, Jamaica and others can “Apply for QTS in England will award overseas teachers QTS based on an assessment of each individual’s qualifications and experience against set requirements.”

If you would like to read the announcement in full you can find it here

If you are a secondary (High School) teacher and would like to teach in England from September 2023, we are recruiting!

Send your CV/Resume to [email protected]

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